Elevate your space with gallery quality art prints and distinctive gifts

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  • Giftbox The Brothers on St Andrews Beach, open giftbox showing tote mug and coaster

    Gift Boxes

  • Coaster set Golden Retrievers Bottoms up, coaster set tied with twine

    Coaster Sets

  • Mug and Coaster set, Sunset Cycle Siesta Key, mug front image and coaster flat

    Mug & Coaster Sets

New collections coming soon

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  • Eco Friendly

    All Giclée prints are presented in a protective biodegradable cellophane sleeve, with a craft board backing. Whilst polyester fabric is best to take on ink in tote bags, my preference is to keep to natural fabrics. Totes are 100% recycled cotton and whilst the ink will fade over time you can maintain the design by sponge cleaning only. Packaging for postal items won't include plastics.

  • Handmade

    Each product is the original design of shop owner Lynda, painted in her home studio. The reproduction prints are printed at a professional print workshop. Picture mounts are bevel cut by hand to standard frame sizes, so that the buyer has the option to buy off the shelf picture frames, if they don't wish to have their print professionally framed. Mugs, coasters and tote bags are prepared in small batches with image pressing to giftware done by hand. This allows each item to be quality checked before shipping. I may be able to accommodate a little personalisation on giftware text, use the contact form to ask me.

And if you are not familiar and want to know..... What's special about Giclée prints?

Whereas traditional printing technologies use classic 4 colour CMYK(Cyan,Magenta,Yellow & Key Colour (Black) combinations, "Giclée prints" are produced in small runs on 12 colour inkjet printers, resulting in high quality prints. The term Giclée (pronounced zhee-KLAY)comes from the French term meaning ‘to squirt or spray’ and in the case of Giclée prints, refers to the way the ink is applied to the paper in the printing process.  Images captured from the original paintings need to be at a high resolution of at least 300dpi (‘dots per inch’), this means that the more dots of colour that can be printed in a small area, the more detailed the reproduction print.  As a comparison most digital photos display on screen at 72dpi.  A combination of high quality specialty paper and pigment-based rather than dye-based inks produce long lasting Giclee prints which may be indistinguishable from the original artwork. The surface of Giclee prints should be protected behind glass and materials used in the framing process should be acid free to sustain image longevity.